Friday, October 12, 2007

Not sure if I've mentioned this yet...

But The Silent Night Film Festival is happening SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13. That's either tomorrow night or tonight depending on when you read this. Hopefully, it's not last night or two nights ago. Because that might mean you missed it, and that would be sad.

So come out and drink somes drinks, buy some our spankin new filly t-shirts (they're really cute!), watch some silent films, and have some serious fun.

This is my 100% Good Time Guarantee, so here's the info:

Screening Times: 7:30pm and 9:00pm

5041 W. Pico Blvd. (in the Pico Redevelopment district.)

Go to to buy tickets and get more info.


Saturday, October 06, 2007

This Hiatus Stuff Is Not Going So Well...

Awesome People!

This just in. Artshare has a permit situation, so we had to CHANGE THE LOCATION for the Silent Film Festival.

We're now going to do it at Theatre/Theater, which is located at 5041 W. Pico St, in the Pico Redevelopment district.

I've actually written and directed one of the movies, and this event is going to be SOOOO much fun, so do come out. Go to for tickets and more info. Looking forward to seeing you all there!

110% Love,

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Must Break My Self-Imposed Silence

For this public service announcement:

"Boondocks" starts up again October 8th on Adult Swim at 11:30

These new shows rock (in no particular order):

"Dirty Sexy Money"
"Gossip Girl"

These old shows are still rockin' (in no particular order)

"The Game" (can you say "Drama!")
"Friday Night Lights"
"America's Next Top Model" (yes, I'm still standing by it. It's like candy.)
"How I Met Your Mother"

I'm withholding my opinion on the rest for now. But I'm standing by my assertion that "CAVEMEN" sucks. Stay away from that show. I also might be putting out a bad Quantam Leap APB on "Journeyman," but I'm going to give it a few more episodes before I make my final decision.

That is all. Back to my hiatus now.