That's right, I got a dress that you probably haven't seen before. Handmade by this lovely woman who has a stand at the Silverlake Farmer's market every Saturday.
And yes, we added some bookshelves -- 3 huge floor-to-ceiling cases. It's SO nice having a proper set, now we just have to fill them up. Yeah, that's going to be kinda hard now that I have the Kindle, but I'm trying to be diligent about buying used books and plays --
What's that you say? What happened to my hair? I cut it all off! Did I not mention this before? Well, as many of probably didn't know, CH (by request) cut off my dreads on Sunday. For the first few days, I felt very, very naked -- I had forgotten how face dependent short hairstyles are. Bad face days are really bad face days. Also, I've gained weight since the last time I had a natural, and I looked so much like my mother, that I actually startled myself a few times when I caught myself in the mirror. But then I got my hair put into twists on Thursday, so eerie ghost problem solved.
Read about my long decision process in making this big change here.
The really exciting thing about this new look, is that this is just the first of several hairstyles that I plan to try out as I grow out my natural into a full-blown bodacious afro (which will take years). Next up, a braided-at-the-sides fauxhawk??? We'll see...
too cute and will look better as it fills out (the bookshelf and the hair!)
you look banoodles (stolen from Mia Michaels on SYTYCD)! I cannot wait to watch it grow to a full on afro!
Did you keep some of your old locs?
Yes, I kept all of them. They look like a small multi-hued animal now. CH has just rather testily told me that I need to remove them from the coffee table for like the third time this week. Trying to figure out what to do with them.
make a shadow box with the locs wrapped into a heart and hang it on the wall.
What's a shadow box?
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