Friday, July 18, 2008

Decisions, Decisions

Okay, as many of you know, I'm a little beyond bad at making real-world decisions.

If I'm writing, and I have a main character on top of a building with a posse of robots coming up the stairs after, and score of fighter jets shooting at her from the air -- no problem, I can easily make the decision for her to rappel down the side of the building, steal somebody's shitty car, and lose both robots and air brigade in the subway tunnels of New York. That's easy.

But, real-world decisions almost always stump me . And I can't, for the life of me, come to a firm conclusion, about what kind of New Bein' (get it? Nubian - New Bein' - New Being) hair jewelry to wear, though my best friend Monique introduced me to it a week ago. So instead of obsessively going back in forth with myself, I'm asking you to weigh in.

Which of these bands do you like best?

a. b. c. or d.

And which of these charms do you like best?

a- peacock tail b-scarab c- Om. or d - eye of hera

Leave your opins in the comments section. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

C from the first group and A from the second

Anonymous said...

I like (c) from both groups.

Anonymous said...

c in both for me too

Anonymous said...

Justin says band C and charm A. I usually defer to him for fashion advice...

Kyle said...

I say C and D.

Anonymous said...

C & C for me, too!


Anonymous said...

b and b