Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I'm Da Biggest Boss Dat Ya Seen Thus Far

So, I've been jotting down every thought I've had about music since Monday, and the list is getting way long, so I better do a big purge now:

1. A new Whitney Houston track got leaked on line, and it's actually halfway decent. Listen to "Like I Never Left" here.

2. Wham might reunite. My 8 year old heart skips a beat. Read about the current rumors here.

3. Apparently, when Rick Ross claimed to have trafficked cocaine, he meant prisoners.

4. I put in a request for a Let's Go Sailing concert at Eventful two months ago, and apparently only 7 other agree that they should play a show here -- even though they're based here. Sad for me. But watch the underwhelming and chesty (in a weird way) video for my favorite LGS song "Sideways" here.

5. Everybody's raving about "Gamma Ray" from Beck's new album, Modern Age, but I actually think that "Walls" is the best song in the set. Let me know if you agree or disagree in the comments.

6. My favorite French Singer (for now) Yelle threw up some live tracks that she recorded at some festival in London on I-Tunes, and they're just as cutie-pie as she is.

7. For the second frickin' week in a row, the I-Tunes free song of the week was something that I already had. Last week, it was Kerli's "Walking on Air," which I liked at first, but had to stop listening to after 10 plays -- it's like cotton that way, great at first, but you get sick of it fast. And today's was "One, Two, Three, Go!" from my favorite Mexican synth-pop group (for now), Belanova. Highly recommended. So go download it as soon as you finish reading this entry.

8. Top 5 Things that I've DownLoaded since the last time I wrote about the stuff I downloaded.

a. Michael Franti & Spearhead "Say Hey (I Love You)" - not as good as many of their past efforts, but to know Spearhead is the love them -- in a hippie sort of way.
b. "Love Is Noise" - The Verve: Reunited and calmed way the frick down. This is no "Bittersweet Symphony," but my aggressive nostalgia makes up for anything that the actual single lacks.
c. "Cookie Jar" - Gym Class Heroes f/ The Dream - Many of you know how I feel about cheating -- totally heinous and unacceptable, but this is actually a really good song about it, and the Dream chorus is killer. I like girls, and they like me... they look so good... in they're Seven jeans...
d. "Don't Call Me Baby" - Kreesha Turner - I'll admit that I actually love most of Perez Hilton's music suggestions. He suggested this black Canadian singer. And once again, I like the song a lot. Though, I'm not exactly sure why...
e. S.A.M.S.P.A.R.R.O. - Sam Sparro - electronica kid with a newish vibe out of England. I downloaded this b/c I liked another song of his "Black Gold" so very much. Think "Gold" might also have been a Perez Hilton suggestion -- what! he has good taste!

Anyway, this is all to say that I'm still pretty much completely obsessed with The Black Kids Partie Traumatic album, and this is just what I've been listening to when I can bear to turn it off for a few minutes.

But dudes, how sad am I that I only discovered Superaquello like a few weeks ago? They are beyond awesome, and if my friend Gudrun was Latina, could sing dreamily, and liked to clap a lot, she would be this band's lead singer. See the cheap but fun and creative video below:


Kyle said...

Hercules and Love Affair?

Ernessa T. Carter said...

Unfortunately, I downloaded Hercules way before I started up with these huge music blogs, otherwise they would've gotten a huge mention. I have a huge heart on for electronic collectives, and they're so lovely and retro. Makes me want do lines of coke in the bathroom at early 80's era Studio 54, and then dance for a long time.

Kyle said...

They're at the Detour Festival downtown, which kinda makes me want to go.

Ernessa T. Carter said...

this actually looks pretty cool, save for Mars Volta -- I've decided to hate them, since everyone else in Cali seems to love them. But love Cut Copy and Datarock. More the attraction would be hanging out in the "new" downtown all day. I'm crazy curious to see how the neighborhood's changed.

Kyle said...

Yeah, I do not get Mars Volta, either. The Mae Shi are fun, but I don't get/know any of those other bands, so I'll probably skip. Besides, all I want to do anymore is stay home and watch Bravo Reality TV.