Monday, July 21, 2008

Fierce And Nerdy

I'm SO excited. I mean like Patti-LaBelle-on-speed-at-a-singing-chipmunks-convention level excited.

Check this out:

Yes, that's actually the holder page for the much-fabled Fierce and Nerdy blogsite, which I've been trying to put together for about a century now (give or take 99 years). Click on the pic to see the actual holder page at

That all said here are the Frequently Asked Questions, that you haven't actually thought to ask yet.

So what's going to be different about this site?
Well, for one, it will have contributors, so no more having to put up with 24/7 me all the time.

Also, More of the technology, music, news, literature and all the other stuff my fellow fierce and nerdy chycks are interested in and less diary -- though we'll see how close I can stick to that promise. I mean, if somebody steals my cheese from the work refrigerator, how can I NOT bring that problem to The People???

I've already talked to many of you about contributing, and I'll be reaching out to a lot more of you over the weeks to come. But if you're interesting in contributing, drop me a line. If you were with me for the wild after-Japan, pre-grad school days of CoolChyck, this is a lot like that, but with word limits.

That holder page is dope, but when is Fierce And Nerdy actually coming?
Mid to late August. But don't worry, as we get closer, I'll be blogging more and more about it. Trust me, you won't miss it -- because I won't let you. Stalker eyes.

But Ernessa, does that mean you won't be begging us to come out to all of your Filly Film Cult events? You know we can't live without experimental short film festivals! It's the air we BREATHE!
Oh yes, darlings, I know, I know. But no worries. Filly Film Cult will have its very own page on the Fierce And Nerdy site. Also, keep your eyes here, because there are some behind-the-scenes busy-elf stuff things going down, and I'm hoping to make a big FFC announcement fairly soonish.

Hey Ernessa, your male fans here -- both of them. This site is kind of sounding like it's just for chycks. Will we feel shut out?
Um, I hope not. I mean I've seen every Bond film that's come out within my lifetime, watched a bunch of Monty Python, and I also got about a quarter of the way through Blazing Saddles, so hopefully I've built up enough crossover credit myself, that you'll stick with me on this new venture. Though, the site will specifically target Fierce and Nerdy chycks, I'd like to believe that there'll be something there for everyone.

And how about that novel that you've supposedly been writing almost as long as you've had this blog? Will we ever get to see that? Or is that just something you pretend to do, so that you can seem a lot cooler than you actually are at parties?
Though, I'm not above trying to appear a lot cooler than I actually am at parties, there is definitely an (almost ready) novel in the works. So expect to see a print and audio first chapter and a book trailer on the new site before the end of the year. Also, I'll be logging in a weekly writing blog as I walk the road from having written to (hopefully) getting published.

So where do we come in? How can we help out with developing Fierce and Nerdy? Glad you asked. In the weeks to come, if you read something you like, let me know. That way I can do more of it when I switch over to Fierce and Nerdy.

Anyway, that's your update. Regular blogging resumes on Tuesday - though unfortunately no more 2-a-days. I have a little too much behind-the-scenes work to pull that off. But looking really forward to the next phase.

100% Love,


Anonymous said...

Can't wait

Anonymous said...

Oh, I so cannot wait! The placeholder looks damn cool so I have high expectations chyck!